Zico Talks Nearly Working To Give-Up The Ghost On Things Fresh

Article: Zico, "The argue I don't rest? Similar characters are boring"

Source: X Sports via Naver

1. [+612, -75] He's the Daiso of hip hop ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+593, -127] He's hence bored that he has to re-create a whole bunch of songs in addition to mix em up

3. [+874, -224] Instead of looking for something new, aren't you lot only looking for novel things to copy? You're the illustration re-create truthful cat of the hip hop scene...

4. [+495, -111] I noticed when he raps that he's ever angry in addition to worked upwardly all on his own

5. [+505, -132] Copy cat...

6. [+381, -92] But all his songs audio the same ã…‹ã…‹;;;;

7. [+235, -46] His songs are a re-create of Drake in addition to Travis Scott

8. [+321, -76] You hateful there's hence much out at that topographic point for you lot to plagiarize

9. [+168, -26] His songs all audio the same ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+167, -29] He totally copies unusual hip hop songs in addition to and hence tries to hold upwardly past times away it off every 2d trendy. All he did was re-create at the finals for 'Show Me 6'... He tried to compose a Korean vocal but all he could produce was come upwardly up alongside a trot trip the calorie-free fantastic track... yeah, only stick to copying unusual songs. At to the lowest degree your stupid fangirls volition recognize you lot for that...


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