Mina Gets Dolled Upwards For The Korea Drama Awards

Article: Mina 'one slice shows off her glamorous figure'

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+457, -16] Please specify AOA Mina inwards the title

2. [+405, -16] I clicked inwards thinking it was Girl's Day's Minah, who is this..

3. [+292, -26] It's then tardily to materials dresses similar this alongside padding though...

4. [+11, -3] I larn that she's pretty but come upwardly on, that's padding

5. [+11, -5] Thought this article was virtually Girl's Day's Minah...

6. [+10, -4] Thought this was Bang Minah

7. [+10, -2] Articles bespeak to specify AOA Mina or Kwon Mina;; Girl's Day's Minah is agency to a greater extent than pop then evidently there's going to hold upwardly a misunderstanding. AOA's Mina fifty-fifty uses a split upwardly lift for acting equally Kwon Mina whereas Girl's Day's Minah but goes yesteryear Minah when she's acting..

8. [+5, -1] Wait there's roughly other Mina other than the Girl's Day one? Hul ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+5, -1] Hul I thought Girl's Day's Minah's appear upwardly changed this much

10. [+5, -0] I solely e'er knew Seolhyun from AOA in addition to convey no thought who this ane is but she's super pretty ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹


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