Las Vegas Shooting Leaves L Killed In Addition To 400 Injured

Article: Las Vegas suffers worst shooting inwards history... 50 around reported dead, 200 injured

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+547, -12] We must brand certain that Korea never legalizes personal gun ownership

2. [+504, -12] America is inwards such problem over all these shootings. At this point, they require to visit banning guns. I can't assist simply intend how many horrific shootings would've happened inwards Korea if guns were legal hither too. The idea of it is terrifying alone. I'm so, together with hence glad that guns are illegal here.

3. [+372, -15] First of all, may they balance inwards peace. But did America non choose this upon themselves past times having no restrictions on gun control?

4. [+17, -0] The ability of the NRA inwards America exceeds whatever of our imaginations. There's fifty-fifty a proverb at that spot that it's difficult to hold out elected president without the back upwards of the NRA. That's why fifty-fifty the presidents accept a difficult fourth dimension messing alongside them.

5. [+15, -1] I bet if guns were legal inwards Korea, our shootings would never terminate at 50 deaths;;


Source: Naver

1. [+3,590, -57] Korea made the best determination to ban guns fifty-fifty later on suffering the horrific state of war nosotros went through

2. [+2,324, -51] Please limit gun ownership...

3. [+1,986, -72] Makes me realize how security Korea is

4. [+1,822, -109] Makes me experience grateful for how much safer Korea is...

5. [+1,237, -25] May they balance inwards peace

6. [+232, -7] Obama tried together with hence difficult to position restrictions on gun ownership simply failed because of lobbying past times defense strength companies. That lobbying is going to effect inwards together with hence much sacrificed lives.

7. [+210, -13] America is such an strange solid set down where non everyone is guaranteed wellness insurance simply everyone is guaranteed a gun that tin kill people. Thousands of American lives are lost to shootings every twelvemonth together with silent they insist on keeping gun laws lead out of 1780. With their electrical current president existence Trump, I doubtfulness at that spot volition hold out whatever changes anyway...

8. [+165, -8] One matter the entire basis has inwards mutual is that at that spot are to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than psychos


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