[Instiz] Modernized Hanbok Alongside A Lawn Tennis Skirt

Instiz: Modernized hanbok alongside a lawn tennis skirt

"It's pretty!!!"

"Ah... I personally don't intend it looks good..."

"I similar the displace but the blueprint itself sucks..."

"The transcend looks similar a hanbok but the skirt looks similar she's wearing a curtain. Probably the worst modernized version I've seen yet..."

"I'm all for modernized versions but this doesn't experience much similar a hanbok"

"I intend the skirt would hold off skillful on its ain or matched alongside something else..."

"Eh... non feeling it"

"The transcend too skirt don't stand upward for at all"

"Too short, doesn't hold off good..."

"Makes me intend of a kimchi cocktail... only a combination that isn't supposed to work."

"They're pretty separately but I experience similar the transcend would brand y'all stand upward out agency every bit good much inwards public"

"Nothing's hanbok most the skirt other than the material.."

"I don't know why all modernized versions of the hanbok shorten the skirt ㅜ only makes it hold off inexpensive rather than experimental. You never run across the Japanese shortening their kimonos inwards whatsoever version of it ㅠㅠ"

"Really lowers the bird of the hanbok ã… ã… "

"Seems similar something a game graphic symbol would wear"


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