Great Scott! David's Correct Again.

I met David Meerman Scott many years agone together with was impressed alongside his perspicacity regarding social media.  He was a human ahead of his fourth dimension inward agreement the potential for these novel platforms to accomplish out inform, together with entertain--as good every bit to waste matter your time!

Even now, he regularly produces gems of insight.  Here's one from simply a few days ago. A teaser:

Social networks are a cracking house to percentage content, to interact alongside others, to head inward on what’s happening, together with yes, if approached carefully, social networks tin endure a agency to larn the give-and-take out close you lot together with your business. However every bit I review people’s business-related social streams I honour agency also much selling going on.

As a agency to mean value close your social activities, I’d advise you lot should endure doing 85 per centum sharing together with engaging, 10 per centum publishing master content, together with exclusively 5 per centum or less close what you lot are trying to promote.

If you lot are trying to sell, it's good worth your piece to read the rest. 

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