B1a4's Dongsaeng Grouping Onf Confirmed For 'Mix Nine'

Article: [Official] 'B1A4 dongsaeng' ONF confirmed for 'Mix Nine'... "After long deliberation"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+404, -3] They would've been improve off going on 'Produce 101' earlier debut...

2. [+396, -3] They're barely ii months into debut in addition to already beingness treated similar flops... ^^

3. [+234, -5] ? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ What long deliberation?

4. [+228, -4] I knew in that place was something incorrect when their companionship promised ii novel debuts this yr when they were barely managing B1A4 in addition to Oh My Girl. One album out for each in addition to therefore conduct to the backburner... that's 8 members that they're jeopardizing the futures of (I in addition to ONF). 'Produce 101' would've been improve than this... why purposely brand kids who've trained for every bit long every bit vi years endure similar this?

5. [+141, -2] This makes me therefore poor because it reminds me of the members talking well-nigh going through actually hard survivals in addition to preparation for nearly vi years at their showcase... Why exercise they accept to larn through this again? Just permit them promote happily...

6. [+42, -0] ONF is a full rookie grouping barely ii months into debut... they accept a vivid futurity ahead of them therefore why seat them on this show? Some of the members accept already gone through survivals in addition to accept been eliminated, why wound them again? What's incorrect alongside WM lately? Even I has gone through ix months into debut alongside naught to present for it alone to terminate upwards on 'The Unit'... delight grapple your rookies better

7. [+39, -0] Why a grouping that has barely debuted...?

8. [+31, -0] They're merely lx days into debut... why separate a grouping that's already debuted together similar this?

9. [+27, -0] I don't intend I tin tummy this. The members already went through such long preparation periods to lastly debut in addition to straightaway they're beingness forced to exercise it all over again?

10. [+27, -0] Feels a chip roughshod for a grouping that hasn't fifty-fifty had the chance to present their potential yet


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