How Much Produce Luhan In Addition To Kris Brand Inwards A Yr Inwards China?

Article: Luhan makes 36 billion won, Kris makes 25.9 billion won... what is the average income for Chinese celebrities?

Source: Seoul News via Nate

1. [+386, -10] Who cares if they're hated inward Korea, I'd rather become the loathe together with run if it's for this sum of coin ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+348, -9] No wonder all the Chinese kids run away. I wonder if the Chinese idols nonetheless working inward Korea are trying to larn later Kris together with Luhan. I'm worried because I'm certain at that spot are already agents amongst eyes out for them. Imagine making 20, thirty billion won a year, it's definitely a bargain anyone would desire to own got up.

3. [+251, -5] The Chinese look to own got everything on a larger scale from backstabbing to income

4. [+33, -6] Wow... I'm certain they're zip only backstabbing ch*nks to EXO fans only imagine the jackpot they hitting past times dropping out later 'Growl' hitting daebak

5. [+28, -5] It's amazing how large of losers they were if y'all await at their past times photos together with later all that operate SM position into upgrading their visuals together with they backstab them similar that ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+28, -1] No wonder they ran away

7. [+15, -1] Lay seems to hold out sizing things upward likewise since he's been alone doing solo materials without EXO activities ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+14, -0] No wonder they all leave... doesn't alter the fact that they're traitors though

9. [+13, -0] That's worth backstabbing

10. [+11, -0] But y'all own got to intend of it this way, they'd never hold out able to fifty-fifty brand this sort of coin if they weren't EXO members inward the outset place


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