Rain Rushes Abode Every Nighttime On The Point For Meaning Wife

Article: Rain gets abode on fourth dimension on the point for meaning married adult woman Kim Tae Hee

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+394, -24] As a hubby amongst a sum term married adult woman at home, that's to live on expected

2. [+331, -18] Only 3 days left of this holiday... fourth dimension flies when you're resting

3. [+253, -20] Is it fifty-fifty a big bargain for celebrities? Especially for overstep stars similar Rain who are powerful plenty to command their ain schedules

4. [+21, -6] It shouldn't live on looked over simply because he's a celebrity. What does that brand men similar Lee Byung Hun, then?

5. [+21, -6] That youngster is really born amongst a golden spoon... amazing visuals, smart brains from the parents... therefore blessed


Source: Naver

1. [+1,515, -87] Always expert to run into men process their families equally commencement priority

2. [+1,375, -67] Guess Rain is a lot to a greater extent than household unit of measurement oriented than I thought. It's awesome that he's taking help of his household unit of measurement similar that. Hope Kim Tae Hee has a good for yous birth!

3. [+1,372, -92] I'd rush abode every nighttime equally good if I had a married adult woman similar Kim Tae Hee waiting at abode ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+1,187, -77] When your married adult woman is Kim Tae Hee, how produce yous fifty-fifty accept fourth dimension to live on checking other women out

5. [+863, -65] Such a beautiful family

6. [+143, -11] I ever intend the best type of somebody is the i who prioritizes their family

7. [+168, -26] I recollect thinking when he was sobbing in addition to calling for his woman raise when he won his commencement daesang that he's going to live on actually expert to his hereafter wife... His honey for his married adult woman is likely different whatsoever other because he lost his woman raise at such a immature age.

8. [+109, -8] Caring Rain, promise they accept a good for yous birth


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