Gene Cites John: Makes Nifty Sense!

For approximately of us, 1 affair that makes Fri a keen solar daytime is receiving Gene Lindsey's weekly email.  It's total of observations nigh the wellness attention world, living inward the woods of New Hampshire, in addition to baseball--not to advert nostalgic visits to his childhood. (You tin terminate read previous editions here.)

Gene is a die-hard adherent of Lean, a procedure improvement in addition to managerial philosophy that has both been used to keen upshot inward the infirmary the world in addition to has been an utter failure inward the infirmary world.  I am pleased that my hospital's sense barbarous into the onetime camp. In this week's edition, Gene reviews John Toussaint's latest majority Management on the Mend, where he excerpts useful thoughts offered past times 1 of the most successful employers of Lean.

Why has Lean succeeded inward approximately places in addition to failed inward others? Gene summarizes the fundamental lesson from the book:

"I remember at that topographic point is keen evidence that John has walked the talk. Indeed the necessity that leaders hold upwards personally transformed if organizational transformation is to move on is a recurrent subject inward the majority which is actually an opened upwards alphabetic lineament to healthcare leadership in addition to their boards alongside the limited move of convincing them that leadership is critical to Lean success. He introduces this thought on page three!

"The most mutual work that I reckon [discussing the to a greater extent than than 145 organizations that he has personally visited that are inward diverse stages of agreement Lean] is that leaders neglect to recognize the magnitude of alter that volition hold upwards required in addition to that alter extends to leaders on a personal level."

I wrote dorsum to Gene:

I went through it past times osmosis, I guess, only equally I await dorsum on it later, I reckon a major maturation that took house inward my leadership approach. 

Indeed, it was non until after I left my CEO post at BIDMC that I realized the extent of my ain transformation in addition to that I had adopted the mantra, "Lead equally though yous accept no authority." Mark Graban interprets this:  "This doesn’t hateful completely giving away your authority… it way non relying on that formal authority."  Or equally W. Edwards Deming pose it: "The leader is coach in addition to counsel, non a judge."

As I run into alongside infirmary clinical in addition to direction leaders, I tin terminate rapidly reckon which ones accept reached this flat of comfort inward learning that their project is to piece of work for the staff--not vice versa. And I tin terminate describe a quick correlation betwixt their progress inward doing then in addition to the score to which their institutions accept acquire learning organizations.

If yous are inward a leadership seat inward a wellness attention system, read John's book.  Then, Pb or not.

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