Fly To The Heaven To Brand Comeback Afterward Two Years

Article: [Exclusive] Fly to the Sky to brand comeback afterwards 2 years "new vocal inwards November"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+642, -25] I beloved Brian in addition to Hwanhee's voices. Brian's phonation is smoothen in addition to Hwanhee's is masculine ã… 

2. [+519, -15] It's been thus long since we've heard from them. I desire to take away heed their alive singing again.

3. [+456, -8] Their voices travel thus good together. Hwanhee's masculine phonation combined amongst Brian's smoothen 1 is such a daebak combination. I beloved how the ii audio together amend than whatsoever other duet.

4. [+39, -1] I'm a fan but I recall hearing Brian sing at an awards ceremony a long fourth dimension agone in addition to beingness genuinely shocked at how bad he was. I know that he's commonly a practiced vocalist but perhaps something happened? because it sounded similar he was genuinely struggling to follow the melody, in addition to he was barely next it too;; I bet anyone hearing him for the origin fourth dimension idea he was tone deaf;;

5. [+27, -5] Brian needs to travel on singing amongst less phonation inwards his pharynx earlier they comeback. I was thus embarrassed hearing his 'You You You' live. He should experience sad to Hwanhee in addition to exercise harder, or only lip sync the whole thing.

6. [+26, -1] I don't know if Brian is suffering from vocal cord nodules or if he's been working out likewise much in addition to gained likewise much musculus roughly his vocal cords but he has barely been able to hitting his high notes since ii years agone in addition to his breathing has changed every bit well. He only wasn't able to sing, period. I wonder if he's improved since then? Because I recall Brian's alive beingness a lot to a greater extent than stable than Hwanhee's before.

7. [+21, -1] Hopefully Brian recovered his phonation during their ii twelvemonth hiatus because he was completely gone before

8. [+20, -1] To all of y'all complaining most all these onetime schoolhouse comebacks, don't y'all realize that it's because singers these days only aren't every bit practiced every bit they used to be? Do nosotros fifty-fifty convey duos similar them anymore? People only produce featurings straight off for a quick buck in addition to all the songs these days are petty teen girls shaking their butts inwards provocative clothing. There's no diversity inwards our music anymore.

9. [+15, -1] I noticed Brian has been struggling amongst his singing... Totally disappointed inwards their concert ii years ago..

10. [+11, -4] Even afterwards 10 years in addition to thus many idol debuts, no 1 has been able to alive upwards to them inwards damage of talent. I don't blame our teens for thinking trash idol music is the best when that's all they've been given to psyche to. I experience bad for them, actually.


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