Negotiating On Purpose

Over 2 years ago, the folks over at the athenahealth kindly invited me to submit columns to their Health Leadership Forum, too I withdraw keep done so on an occasional reason since them. As I lately reviewed the columns, I realized that my ain thoughts on the topics of leadership too coaching withdraw keep evolved a bit, too I idea my readers over hither at Not Running A Hospital mightiness taste witnessing the transition. So for several days, I volition hold out reprinting the posts from the Forum over here. Comments are welcome at the master copy site too here. Today's reprint is from a post service dated September 25, 2013, "Negotiating on Purpose."

After her xv year-old boy Lewis Blackman died from a serial of preventable medical errors, Helen Haskell diagnosed the problems inward the infirmary past times saying, “This was a scheme that was operating for its ain benefit.”

What she meant was that each individual inward the infirmary was unthinkingly engaged inward a serial of tasks that had travel disconnected from the underlying purpose of the hospital. They were driven past times their inclinations too imperatives rather than past times the patient’s needs. Indeed, they were so trapped inward that degree of piece of work that they could non notice the entreaties of a seriously concerned woman rear equally her boy deteriorated.

I ane time heard a Harvard concern professor push clitoris the fiscal imperatives of many hospitals inward a less personalized, but analogous fashion. He called hospitals “business toll structures inward search of revenue streams.”

What he meant was that the concern strategies of the infirmary had travel detached from the humanistic purposes that had led to the creation of the hospital. There was thence a parallel to the individuals’ behaviour noticed past times Helen.

What a perversion of human travail when things arrive at this point! Activity for the sake of activity inward the context of an organisation that has lost its soul.

Lest nosotros acquire distracted past times the electrical flow scrap nearly the incentives that mightiness stand upwards for to dissimilar payment models—fee for service, bundled, or capitated rates–is of import to Federal Reserve annotation that this form of perverted personal too corporate behaviour is non driven past times charge per unit of measurement design. The failure of Lewis Blackman’s doctors too nurses had naught to practice amongst fiscal incentives. No, the systemic forces at piece of work that killed this beau were based on ego, fear, poorly surgical procedure hierarchy, lack of communication, too cognitive errors.

Likewise, the corporate search for revenue for the entities that establish our hospitals too wellness systems has non been driven past times charge per unit of measurement design. Under whatever payment regime, the underlying number is that hospitals are huge fixed-cost enterprises, too the incentive to “feed the beast” frequently drives corporate strategy, driving out humanistic concerns. Indeed, it may hold out that a displace to provider risk-sharing volition exactly chemical compound the employment inward that it volition require infirmary systems to accumulate greater fiscal reserves to hedge the actuarial risks that are beingness transferred inward their direction.

Let’s non lose the irony of this form of situation. The people who withdraw keep chosen to hold out inward the wellness tending plain are, for the most part, the most good intentioned people inward the world. They withdraw keep devoted their lives to alleviating human suffering caused past times disease. They are intelligent too thoughtful too highly trained.

Indeed, if each of us inward wellness tending were asked to dry soil the purpose of our establishment inward our ain words, I bet nosotros would state something similar. In my old infirmary it was codified equally follows: “We promise to withdraw keep tending of patients inward the mode nosotros would wish members of our ain household unit of measurement cared for.”

People’s behaviour inward the moment, though, frequently is at variance amongst such purposes. Corporate imperatives likewise travel awry.

It is at fourth dimension similar this that nosotros search for leadership that volition help steer the ship too those inward it inward a to a greater extent than humanistic direction. Surely the leader cannot hold out agnostic amongst regard to fiscal concerns, but he or she needs to human activity to help the organisation seat purpose inward a higher house all. What tin dismiss nosotros await too promise for from non bad leaders at this juncture inward medicine’s crisis of purpose? The commons answer—inspiration—is non correct.

Professors frequently push clitoris a distinction betwixt administration too leadership, noting that leaders withdraw keep the powerfulness to inspire people inward an organisation to a higher purpose. Yes, at that topographic point is the form of inspiration that occurs during a crisis, similar that offered past times Winston Churchill during World War II or Franklin Roosevelt during the Depression. But for most organizations involved inward the day-to-day piece of work of providing a service to the public, the professors’ description is off point, for the leader’s powerfulness to inspire is non germane. The powerfulness to inspire tin dismiss supply a shot inward the arm, but it seldom leads to sustained too mindful activeness on the component subdivision of people inward an organisation inward back upwards of its purpose.

My persuasion is that inspiration comes from inside too is tied to those ethical standards too skillful intentions that caused people to travel inward the wellness tending professions inward the kickoff place. The leader’s job, then, is non to inspire. It is to utilization his or her influence to help practice a supportive surroundings that permits the waiting reservoir of such intentions to hold out tapped.

Paul O’Neill, old Secretary of the Treasury too CEO of Alcoa Aluminum, has laid forth a three-part exam for an organisation seeking to empower its staff to fulfill its mission:

1. Are my staff treated amongst dignity too honor past times everyone, regardless of role or rank inward the organization?

2. Are they given the knowledge, tools too back upwards they demand inward lodge to brand a contribution to our organisation too that adds pregnant to their life?

3. Are they recognized for their contribution?

The leader’s project is to send out an ongoing negotiation amongst the diverse constituencies inward a infirmary to persuade them that it is inward their involvement to organize their piece of work too behaviour inward such a mode equally to allow these weather condition to withdraw keep hold. You mightiness observe it foreign that I frame this responsibleness equally a negotiation, but that turns out to hold out a to a greater extent than apt description than others that mightiness hold out used.

Hospitals are filled amongst highly trained professionals who wish to pass their fourth dimension doing the things they are trained to do. Those people are non to a greater extent than frequently than non trained inward the form of interpersonal skills too squad behaviour that is required to back upwards Mr. O’Neill’s desired conditions. The leader has to persuade those individuals that their ain role volition hold out enhanced if they larn to bear inward such a mode equally volition help develop O’Neill’s conditions. In negotiation parlance, they withdraw keep to hold out made to experience that agreeing to such an approach is a improve path than their alternative, i.e., non agreeing to it.

People who are probable to hold out the futurity leaders of wellness tending institutions inward America too abroad frequently come upwards to me for career too preparation advice. My constant refrain is to larn the principles too framework of negotiation strategy. Negotiation tin dismiss hold out defined equally agency of satisfying parties’ underlying interests past times jointly decided action. You cannot hold out a leader if y'all practice non know how to help a hospital’s constituencies sympathize that their interests are coincident amongst the purpose of your organisation too if y'all cannot help them jointly determine on the actions needed to send out that purpose.

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