Do Yous Sympathize Drug Pricing?

Prescription version as well as OTC version
Notwithstanding several years inwards the wellness attention field, I all the same convey problem agreement retail drug prescribing as well as pricing.  Here's the latest example.

I endure Nasacort (a nasal corticosteroid, triamcinolone acetonide) for hay fever symptoms, as well as it plant real well. Each year, I mail inwards a prescription asking to my PCP, as well as and hence I acquire to Walgreen's or CVS to selection it up. This year, the cost was good over $100, since my insurance excogitation no longer covered it. When I expressed surpise, the phramacist said, "Why don't y'all purchase the OTC version?  It's much less, as well as it's the same thing."

Sure enough, a comparable quantity was well-nigh 25% the cost of the prescription version.

I right away convey learned that the OTC version was authorized by the FDA on Oct 11, 2013.

My questions are basic. Why does my main attention practise all the same lawsuit prescriptions for this medication instead of only sending people to the OTC version?  Why does a prescription version all the same exist, as well as why is priced hence far higher upwards the OTC version?

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