When Ceo Bonuses Are Tied To Us Intelligence Rankings

Here's a quiz.  Can yous justice who posted the next messages on Twitter?

Any thought how many infirmary execs' bonuses are tied to their institution's U.S. News rankings?

When execs confide this arrangement, they facial expression me to last impressed or flattered. Are yous kidding? I'm deeply disturbed.  

In my stance it's a symptom the board has abdicated its responsibleness to measure, monitor & incentivize character improvement.

You mightiness last surprised to acquire that it was Ben Harder, @benharder, master copy of wellness analysis at US News as well as World Report, the magazine that publishes "data, rankings & tools to help consumers direct hospitals, doctors, wellness plans & more."

Probably to a greater extent than than anyone inwards the country, Ben understands the inherent limitations inwards whatever such rankings. More important, he understands that the rankings are designed to propose patients alongside complex medical conditions.  They are non an indication almost the full general degree of character of attention or security inwards an institution.

He for sure knows that hospitals operate the rankings inwards their marketing materials, but he understands that what makes marketing effective is dissimilar from what makes it possible for a infirmary to deliver the highest degree of attention as well as to engage inwards ongoing clinical procedure improvement.

Bravo to Ben for putting this out at that topographic point as well as thus clearly. I'm hoping board members cause got note.

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