The Scalpels Are Out

The knives, er scalpels, are out inwards force, attacking the methodology used yesteryear secret NSQIP data, which admittedly does non be for of all surgeons, what are nosotros left with?

What are nosotros left alongside if I am a referring physician who wants to mail a patient to the best possible surgeon?

What are nosotros left alongside if I as a patient desire to cheque out the surgical procedure tape of several surgeons?

What statistically valid methodology is available to me?

I'll enjoin y'all what methods are currently inwards use:

Anecdote. Bias. Personal friendships betwixt doctors. An unsupported feeling that "Dr. Smith does a actually proficient job."

Justin together with Benjamin together with others, what just are y'all proposing should supersede the exclusively subjective together with unreliable sources of information currently available?  How shortly volition your persuasion (if y'all conduct maintain one) larn viable together with endure lay into earth domain? Or practise y'all just advise that nosotros should conduct maintain less information near picking a surgeon than nosotros practise near virtually whatever other consumer choice nosotros make?

Well, possibly it doesn't matter.  Maybe all surgeons are as competent together with conduct maintain like records of success. Maybe the personal stakes to me as a patient are also insignificant to matter.


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