When Yous Accept A Hammer

Christopher Weyant inwards The New Yorker, June 8-15, 2015
It's good by fourth dimension to utter almost the elephant inwards the room when it comes to robotic surgery: The increased anaesthesia-related risks from these procedures.  The interrogation I enquire today is whether, every bit purpose of the informed consent process, patients are given data almost such risks.  Under principles of shared decision-making betwixt the doc as well as the patient, such risks should hold upwards carefully explained good earlier the brusk remain at the pre-op area.

I've institute piddling inwards the recent literature almost this topic, although--based on my modest sample of anaesthesiologists--it is a pregnant delineate of piece of employment concern with their profession.  The delineate of piece of employment concern most oft expressed has to create with the extended length of procedures conducted robotically compared to traditional laparoscopic procedures or opened upwards procedures.  While anaesthesiologists are really goodness at treatment long cases--and fifty-fifty unexpectedly long cases--they volition to a greater extent than oft than non say yous that, everything else beingness equal, the less fourth dimension spent nether anaesthesia the better.

The articles I possess got institute almost anaesthesia run a peril interestingly create non embrace the extended fourth dimension inwards the operating room.  This study from Henry Ford dorsum inwards 2007, for example, focused on hard airways as well as the like.

The length of robotic procedures results from ii factors--the fourth dimension it takes to compass pre-surgical "docking" of the machine as well as the fourth dimension truly spent to bear the procedure.  In the living donor liver resection instance I discussed inwards a previous spider web log post, I noted:

Of detail note, the authors admit that "the length of surgical physical care for was longer than that commonly required for opened upwards correct donor hepatectomy," exactly as well as so terra firma that "it must hold upwards considered that the complicated venous anatomy prolonged the total operating time." I can't evaluate the latter clause, exactly my agreement from experts inwards the patch is that the 8-hour duration of this instance was considerably longer than a touchstone opened upwards donor hepatectomy, which is usually 5 to 6 hours.

A colleague noted inwards a recent recent instance that 5 hours had been budgeted inwards the operating room for a robotically assisted hysterectomy as well as uterine fibroid removal, good longer than would possess got been required for a manual approach.  Fully ii hours of that fourth dimension was budgeted for docking of the robot to align it as well as its instruments with the patient's body.

In closed to other case, an esophogeal cancer resection inwards the early on days of robotic surgery, the patient was nether anaesthesia for 12 hours because of complications due to the usage of robotic technique.

There seems to hold upwards a reluctance inwards the surgical profession to fifty-fifty admit these to a greater extent than lengthy procedures.  Note the liver instance above, where the surgeon's article--without support--ascribed the length to "complicated venous anatomy."  In the esophogeal cancer case, when the instance was brought to departmental M&M's for review, no i inwards the room dared speak upwards almost the wisdom of proceeding with robotic assistance because the surgeon inwards interrogation was a favorite of the main of the subdivision as well as because the establishment inwards interrogation had invested heavily inwards beingness a national leader inwards robotic surgery.

Beyond the fourth dimension concerns, at that topographic point are other anaesthesia risks. One illustration comes from an early on instance involving a thyroid removal. As purpose of the consent process, a highly experienced anaesthesia attention informed the patient that inwards traditional thyroidectomies, he would commonly hold upwards sitting at the caput of the tabular array during such a procedure. He noted that the instruments beingness used inwards a robotic thyroid removal had the increased potential to drive a unilateral or bilateral pneumothorax. Use of the robot would require him to hold upwards 6 feet away, making it challenging to disclose such a complication every bit quickly, as well as he mightiness hence reply to a greater extent than tardily to it.

This article mentions this form of run a peril every bit good every bit others:

The endotracheal metro should hold upwards taped securely, appreciating that patient positioning may modification metro placement over fourth dimension (unintended extubation or mainstem intubation), robotic instrumentation may dislodge a tube, as well as an obstructed persuasion may delay recognition of a metro that has teach dislodged. Replacing an endotracheal metro would hold upwards challenging for robotic surgical physical care for patients based on positioning as well as the fourth dimension delay associated with undocking.
Others look to hold upwards less concerned. A similar type of run a peril was noted inwards this 2009 article. exactly as well as so it was speedily dismissed:

Finally, the volume of the robot is positioned over the abdomen as well as chest. Although the incidence of airway or serious cardiovascular events are no greater inwards robot-assisted surgery, if they create occur, the seat of the robot volition interfere with effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation as well as airway interventions. The theater squad should exercise as well as hold upwards familiar with an emergency drill for the removal of the robotic cart. With practise, at our institution, this drill has enabled us to hold upwards able to consistently take the robot inside xxx s. It is possible to deliver a DC stupor with the robot docked inwards seat if required.

In the thyroid surgical physical care for case, the patient inquired almost the affair to the surgeon, who was really upset that the anaesthesiologist would choose these additional risks to "his patient." The anaesthesiologist was never asked to attend on closed to other robotic physical care for with that surgeon.

My delineate of piece of employment concern today is non run a peril per se, every bit all surgical physical care for involves a balancing of benefits as well as risks. The interrogation I enquire is whether hospitals possess got properly incorporated the total spectrum of risks into their informed consent as well as shared decision-making processes. I too possess got a delineate of piece of employment concern that anaesthesiologists, because of professional person run a peril as well as institutional commercial priorities, volition non experience empowered to signal out such risks to patients nether their care.

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