Dia To Convey Comeback This Calendar Month Equally Seven Members

Article: [Official] DIA to get got comeback on the twelfth every bit vii members excluding Yebin in addition to Somi on 'The Unit'

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+229, -9] Kwang Soo lucked out amongst Jung Chaeyeon only it's non going to grade off again...

2. [+186, -11] Had no thought they fifty-fifty had a comeback earlier in addition to they're coming dorsum i time again ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+109, -4] Kwang Soo is in addition to thence bad at this

4. [+15, -0] What was the quest of kicking the other 2 members if they're going to get got a comeback?

5. [+14, -3] At this point, DIA seems to a greater extent than similar a projection grouping ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Their debut vocal was truly skilful only right away they're dropping members into audition shows in addition to changing the numbers some amongst every comeback...

6. [+13, -0] Didn't fifty-fifty know DIA was originally nine members...

7. [+12, -0] Still get got no thought why they decided to get got 2 random members in addition to set them on an audition demonstrate when they're doing fine inwards their group??

8. [+11, -1] As much of a fuss every bit people are kicking upwards nearly Wanna One now, this is in all probability the same hereafter for them i time they disband, right??

9. [+11, -3] I experience quite bad for the members. Everyone thought they'd produce good amongst how pop Jung Chaeyeon got off of 'Produce 101' only she barely striking average amongst her fame in addition to the residual are stuck playing side pieces. They look to get got potential only their means is also stupid to selection upwards on that.

10. [+8, -1] I similar DIA only I'm ever confused how many members they're truly supposed to have..

11. [+7, -0] Wouldn't move Kwang Soo without crazy tactics similar this

12. [+7, -0] How're they going to sing alive without Yebin?


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