Tvxq Fans Harm Large Concealment Tv Set Amidst Aerodrome Frenzy

Article: TVXQ fans... harm a large covert TV at Gimpo airport

Source: Seoul Econ via Nate

1. [+201, -11] If they're a TVXQ fan, that way they convey to at to the lowest degree travel inward their thirties. Why would yous human activity similar this at that age?

2. [+175, -5] Better post an account to those fans then...

3. [+116, -5] Those fans amend pay up, what are yous stupid fangirls doing

4. [+16, -9] Sigh, worthless b*tches ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ become abode as well as aid your household unit of measurement put upwards for the holidays

5. [+14, -6] Great, TVXQ tin post away pay for the damages then

6. [+10, -2] Come on, fans, yous guys shouldn't travel acting up, particularly when Yunho as well as Changmin only completed their service as well as are basking inward the award of it spell the other members who left are dealing amongst scandals. Your singers convey a blossom path put out for them, why mess it upwards similar this?

7. [+7, -2] Sigh, fools

8. [+6, -1] I seriously loathe fangirls, why create yous they convey to follow stars or thus as well as human activity similar this?


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