Depressing Thoughts

The the U.S. together with Canada differ on many aspects of wellness assist delivery, only 1 expanse inward which they possess got a mutual approach is inadequate assist for mental health.  I was reminded of this when I met with a colleague who plant at the British Columbia Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association.  She related several stories almost tiresome together with inappropriate handling of patients--both inward crisis together with inward chronic states--in the provincial wellness system.

Meanwhile, Modern Healthcare reported that due south of the edge a courtroom ruled that, "hospitals inward Washington patch volition travel prohibited from boarding psychiatric patients inward emergency departments spell they expect for inpatient beds to opened upwardly up."

This creates a terrible Catch-22:

“While nosotros observe the patch court's decision, federal police line nevertheless prevents infirmary emergency departments from discharging unstable patients, for example, suicidal or homicidal patients, dorsum into environments where they could get impairment to themselves or to others,” Dr. Alex Rosenau, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians, said inward a statement. “This ruling does non render guidance for hospitals together with physicians regarding resolution of the conflicts alongside federal law, this patch ruling, together with the medical liability conduct chances of discharging patients based on a fourth dimension boundary rather than based on reaching a stable condition.”

These debates frequently focus on funding, only the human costs are high.  Marijke takes the recent travel of Robin Williams to banking concern annotation on her blog:

Williams's travel striking besides some dwelling solid to many together with it opened upwardly a conversation that many people are afraid to have. Williams graced us with his humor together with his talent, together with seemed to possess got it all. Yet he didn't. He missed something incredibly of import - adept mental health. It reminds us that nosotros are all vulnerable.

Virtually every menage unit of measurement inward these 2 countries has had or volition possess got a fellow member with mental illness.  I'd dearest to run across some politicians who bravely interruption through the stereotypes together with forcefulness political activity that raises diseases of the encephalon to the marking of diseases of the kidney, lungs, together with liver.

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