There's Many A Sideslip 'Twixt The Loving Cup Together With The Lip

"How could it happen?" is the query everyone's asking.

No, non the guy who walked into the White House past times the Secret Service.

The nurse who asked the question.  CNN reports:

The cause individual to go diagnosed amongst Ebola on American ground went to the emergency room concluding week, precisely was released from the infirmary fifty-fifty though he told staff he had traveled from Liberia.

Hospital officials accept acknowledged that the patient's go history wasn't "fully communicated" to doctors, precisely also said inward a contestation Midweek that based on his symptoms, at that topographic point was no argue to acknowledge him when he cause came to the emergency room concluding Th night.

A nurse asked the patient close his recent travels spell he was inward the emergency room, as well as the patient said he had been inward Africa, said Dr. Mark Lester, executive vice president of Texas Health Resources. But that data was non "fully communicated" to the medical team, Lester said.

The homo underwent basic blood tests, precisely non an Ebola screening, as well as was sent abode amongst antibiotics, said Dr. Edward Goodman amongst Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

Three days later, the homo returned to the facility, where it was determined that he in all likelihood had Ebola. He was as well as thence isolated.

There are in all likelihood several reasons. The simplest one, "the nurse messed," upward mightiness go correct, precisely it is also probable to go incomplete.  If a full-scale origin campaign analysis were conducted, we'd in all likelihood larn close whatever of the following: a lack of preparation of front-line clinical staff amongst see to this disease, a serial of protocols that are non attuned to this novel as well as rare disease, and/or habitual miserable communication betwixt the triage staff as well as others.

Let's promise the terra firma learns from this experience.  That's a most of import chore for the CDC to focus on right now.

Think how powerful a pedagogy tool this would be: If the nurse as well as MDs at Texas Health produced a 7-minute YouTube video of what went incorrect as well as how they've changed their protocols.  That would go, er, viral inside hours.

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