Oh, Ns-Lij, Nosotros Hardly Knew Ye.

In a postal service below, I wondered whether a publicity campign yesteryear a urologist to encourage women to larn their manlike soul mates to convey PSA in addition to testosterone tests was alone the production of that medico or was it likewise endorsed yesteryear the North Shore-LIJ Health system.  Well, the respond has come upwards through, thank yous to Dan Goldberg in addition to Laura Nahmias at Capital New York.  Along alongside quoting my blog, they reported:

Dr. Davi Samadi, chair of urology in addition to primary of robotic surgery, has something called “The Samadi Challenge. It sounds a petty similar the H2O ice bucket challenge. Women inquire men inwards their lives to larn their prostate in addition to testosterone levels checked, in addition to hence tape a video challenging iii other women to do the same.

 ...I asked L.I.J. for their response: “The seminar nosotros are organizing is exactly a community education/awareness initiative, pegged to the fact that women are the primary healthcare determination makers inwards most families. No other motivation. Because Dr Samadi maintains a high profile, he tends to travel an occasional target of wellness assist colleagues.”

We could pass a lot of fourth dimension deconstructing what's going on here, but let's larn to the basics:

An otherwise good respected wellness assist system--one of the leaders inwards patient security in addition to character of care--is straight off endorsing tests that convey been the dependent plain of tremendous recent controversy.  When the inquiry is raised virtually this plan or its vogue to promote overuse of diagnostic tests, the wellness system's reply is to assert that the criticism is based on the personality of the medico inwards question.  The arrangement makes no sweat to address the legitimate issues of medical scientific discipline raised.

Let's compare this type or reply to the good considered message previously gear upwards forth inwards the "Commitment to Excellence" section of the system's website:

North Shore-LIJ has adopted a strategic conception for character that is straight aligned alongside the national healthcare agenda. Our destination is to deliver particular character service to every patient, inwards every assist setting during each healthcare encounter. Our capacity to mensurate in addition to study healthcare outcomes, realize terms efficiencies, in addition to ensure patient security through adherence to best practices are instrumental to providing high character medical assist to the communities nosotros serve.

Or to this argument from the system's CEO virtually the system's strategic objectives:

Medical tests, which are overused inwards the US, volition travel reduced. 

Oh, NS-LIJ, we hardly knew ye.  Are the commercial wars hence transformative?  How convey yous changed hence quickly?

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