New Transparency Website From Wsha

I ever dear hearing from my buddy Beth Zborowski at the Washington State Hospital Association.  That organization together with its members cause got been at the forefront of transparency for years, together with they proceed pushing the envelope.

Here's her latest note:

I wanted to part amongst y'all WSHA's novel character transparency website together with would welcome your feedback: 

We've organized the site to supply relevant information to services patients (or their loved ones powerfulness endure seeking.) For example, inwards the past, individual going inwards for surgery powerfulness alone hold off at the specific measures related to their type of surgery, only may non yell upwards to hold off at other relevant or overall quality indicators, similar CAUTI.  

We've included information along amongst a visual indicator highlighting the "opportunity gap" betwixt surgical operation together with the destination for each metric. Another novel add-on is the inclusion of tips for patients when they're going to the hospital. In feedback from consumers together with so far, this visualization takes a piddling trying to get, only they appreciate having both the give away together with to a greater extent than or less sort of visual indication of performance. We're working on a clearer widget for the side past times side version of the site. (We're committed to expanding together with improving the site, this isn't intended to endure a launch it together with forget it project.)  

I would dear to listen what y'all think.

So, delight cheque it out together with post service comments hither or ship them straight to BethZ [at] wsha [dot] org.

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