Lazarus Lives I Time To A Greater Extent Than Inwards Massachusetts, Simply At What Cost?

There was a lot of coverage concluding twelvemonth close the glitches too extra costs associated alongside the federal government's wellness attention telephone substitution website.  Must less was said close the problems faced past times Massachusetts inward its execution of the country portal.  In fact, Trudy Lieberman at the Columbia Journalism Review wrote an article close the paucity of local coverage of this issue.

Much of Earth exposure on the delays too cost overruns has been produced past times a local policy intend tank, the Pioneer Institute.  It has assiduously outlined flaws inward the projection direction too has provided the press too Earth alongside textile that raised serious questions close the competence of the country management inward this arena.

Bruce Mohl at Commonwealth Magazine offers an fantabulous summary of the final result here.  The Governor's folks are claiming that the costs are i number, but Pioneer folks remind him that it is non correct to larn out out the additional federal costs associated alongside the mess-up.  As Mohl writes:

Stergios urged the Patrick management non to focus but on the country costs associated alongside the failed website but to besides contain federal expenses into the mix, but every bit officials did alongside cost overruns on the Big Dig.

"The media too world did non split that of import project's costs into 'the country share' too 'the federal share.' The representative of the Health Connector should endure viewed through the same big motion painting lens, particularly since the Commonwealth could easily convey opted to bring together at lilliputian or no cost to the state, or to stick alongside a somewhat modified version of the master copy website, which was working good pre-Affordable Care Act," Stergios wrote. 

Mohl's slice is good worth reading inward its entirety, from the starting judgement on:

The state's wellness attention telephone substitution website is close to render from the dead, but the cost of resuscitation remains far from clear.

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