Creating The Rubber House For Patients As Well As Caregivers

Here's a beautiful video presented past times David Mayer, Vice President of Quality in addition to Safety for MedStar Health, as an attachment to a column he lately posted on Educate the Young,  He says:

High Reliability scientific discipline is i surface area nosotros are looking to for answers to systems failures inwards healthcare. High reliability organizations stress the importance of “Stopping the Line” when a worker senses something doesn’t experience right. The concept has been shown to assist bring down impairment inwards many high adventure environments. What if something like existed for communication concerns inwards the healthcare environment?

The next short video, entitled Please See Me, created past times patients in addition to caregivers for patients in addition to caregivers, offers a possible solution. Can “Please See Me” drib dead that condom space, where patients in addition to solid unit of measurement members tin terminate the trouble in addition to part those words if they experience their needs are non beingness heard or addressed? At the same time, tin caregivers purpose the same phrase when they experience they are non beingness understood past times patients in addition to solid unit of measurement members?

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