Is Solidarity Forever?

As the United States of America remains splintered most the rights of the populace alongside regard to wellness care, things accept oft been dissimilar inward Europe.  But is this changing?  Richard Saltman too colleague offering an interesting article inward the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. The title: "Health Sector Solidarity: A Core European Value only alongside Broadly Varying Content."

Here's the abstract:

Although the concept of solidarity sits at the middle of many European wellness sector debates, the content of the services too benefits that solidarity ensures has changed considerably over time. In prior economical periods, solidarity covered considerably fewer services or groups of the population than it does today. As economical too political circumstances changed, the content of solidarity changed alongside them. Recent examples of these shifts are illustrated through a news of wellness reforms inward Netherlands, Deutschland too State of Israel (although non inward Europe, the Israeli wellness arrangement is structured similar other European social wellness insurance systems). This article suggests that changed economical circumstances inward Europe since the onrush of the 2008 fiscal crisis may postulate a farther re-set of the content of services covered past times solidarity inward many European wellness systems. A fundamental upshot for policymakers volition move protecting vulnerable populations equally this re-design occurs.

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