They Should Accept Tried A Weblog Instead!

As nosotros approach Labor Day, an of import story.  Beth Kutscher reports inwards Modern Healthcare that "Prime Healthcare Services is suing a wedlock it says is waging an ongoing smear stimulate to pressure level the chain into unionizing its workforce."  Here's more:

In the 69-page case filed Mon inwards U.S.A. District Court inwards San Francisco, Prime accuses the SEIU chapter of violating the federal Racketeer Influenced in addition to Corrupt Organizations Act, which Congress enacted to assist the regime prosecute organized crime.

“While Defendants' methods are wide-ranging in addition to elaborate, their role is straightforward: Defendants bring met with in addition to told Prime that if it does non plow over the nonunion healthcare workers at its hospitals on price dictated yesteryear Defendants, they volition destroy Prime in addition to ruin the lives of its executives,” the arrange states. “To brand practiced on their threats, Defendants bring embarked on a stimulate of extortionate assaults on virtually every appear of Prime's business.”

SEIU asserts that the case is without merit:

"The allegations inwards Prime Healthcare’s case against SEIU in addition to related groups in addition to individuals merely produce non handle upward to scrutiny," said Steve Trossman, manager of populace affairs at SEIU-UHW, inwards a statement. "Many of them were contained inwards a previous case against SEIU that was dismissed multiple times yesteryear a federal judge. SEIU volition essay a fast dismissal of this electrical load equally well."

When volition wellness attention systems come upward to realize that yesteryear the fourth dimension you lot direct to struggle a corporate stimulate inwards the courts, much of the harm is done?  Plus your endangerment of winning inwards courtroom is based on a gyre of the dice.

A to a greater extent than proactive, real-time approach is what's needed when a wedlock seeks to denigrate a wellness system's reputation alongside commutation constituencies, with the finish of persuading administration to concur to undemocratic concessions inwards the organizing process.  I've documented such an approach inwards my book, How a Blog Held Off the Most Powerful Union inwards America.

In the foreword to the book, Professor David P. Boyd, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University notes, "This is a powerful lesson inwards winning a battle of perception with the modern tools of transparency in addition to meshing speed."

And Dr. Harris Berman noted how "persistent in addition to effective usage of social media evened the playing plain . . . keeping various audiences informed in addition to engaged."

You tin give the axe read to a greater extent than nearly this on i of my other blogs, Exposing the Playbook.

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