Team-Based Tending On Wihi

Madge Kaplan writes:

The adjacent WIHI broadcast — The Road to Team-Based Primary Care too Behavioral Health — volition accept house on Thursday, Dec 4, from 2 to iii PM ET, too I promise you'll melody in.

Our guests volition include:
  • Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, Director Emeritus, MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation; Senior Investigator, Group Health Research Institute
  • Robin Henderson, PsyD, Chief Behavioral Health Officer & Vice President, Strategic Integration, St. Charles Health System (Bend, Oregon)
  • Parinda Khatri, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer, Cherokee Health Systems (Knoxville, Tennessee)
  • Cindy Hupke, BSN, MBA, Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
  • Mara Laderman, MSPH, Senior Research Associate, IHI
Based Primary Care too Behavioral Health Team-Based attention on WIHI

Primary attention practices across the USA are facing a number of of import challenges correct now; prominent alongside them is doing a much amend project at recognizing too helping patients with behavioral wellness issues. The operative term for this is “integration” — a notion that ranges from, at minimum, co-locating behavioral wellness services too counselors inwards chief attention settings; to, at best, everyone on staff having greater grooming too skills to abide by too address the mental wellness too behavioral challenges that may last impacting a patient’s health. And, together equally a clinical team, working with patients on ‘whole person’ solutions. Achieving this marker of capacity doesn’t come about overnight, but we’re going to hash out why it’s an essential aim on the December iv WIHI: The Road to Team-Based Primary Care too Behavioral Health.

Our guides on this WIHI include Dr. Ed Wagner, whose operate inwards chronic attention too chief attention redesign is legendary. Dr. Wagner has most late been focused on identifying effective practise models simply about the province equally business office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation first known equally Learning from Effective Ambulatory Practices, or LEAP. A potent commitment to behavioral wellness integration is oft a standout characteristic of chief attention practise transformation. The St. Charles too Cherokee Health Systems are cases inwards point. We’ll larn from Robin Henderson too Parinda Khatri virtually efforts to forge deeper linkages betwixt behavioral wellness too chief attention at their organizations; these efforts stimulate got already begun to demonstrate amend patient outcomes too lower costs. Finally, nosotros stimulate got IHI’s Cindy Hupke too Mara Laderman with us, each of whom has a manus inwards researching too pedagogy the programmatic designs necessary to assist chief attention teams engage inwards behavioral wellness integration. We expect forrard to engaging with you lot on the topic of behavioral wellness integration on Dec 4.

You tin enroll for the broadcast here. We'd equally good appreciate it if you lot would spread the give-and-take virtually the demo via Twitter.

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