Move Over, Big Data!

"Move Over, Big Data!
How Small, Simple Models Can Yield Big Insights" 
MIT SDM Systems Thinking Webinar Series
September 8, 2014
Noon - 1 p.m. Eastern fourth dimension
Free together with opened upward to all
In this talk, managers together with policymakers volition larn how uncomplicated mathematical models of systems tin improve intuition together with atomic number 82 to amend decisions.

physician Richard C. Larson volition supply concrete examples from his professional person inquiry together with consulting engagements, together with therefore verbalize over full general applications to industry. He volition cover:
  • Flaws of averages—what they are together with how to avoid them;
  • Square source laws—how to utilize them to locating facilities together with more;
  • Singularities—why together with how managers of service systems must schedule idle fourth dimension for servers or seem upward huge waiting lines (aka the "elbow effect");
  • Simple divergence equations—how to purpose them to detect major organisation instabilities when inputs are year-to-year gross revenues;
  • Going viral—how a major demography parameter tin utilize to exponential explosiveness inwards many employment organisation sectors; and
  • Lateral thinking—and how it tin sometimes brand a employment become away.
Learn to cutting to the chase, encounter the big picture, together with remain out of the weeds!

A Q&A volition follow the presentation. We invite yous to bring together us.

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