Fighting Occurrences Of C. Difficile On Wihi

Madge Kaplan writes:
The side past times side WIHI broadcast — All Hands on Deck to Reduce C. difficile — volition cause got house on Thursday, Apr 9, from 2 to 3 PM ET, together with I promise you'll melody in.

Our guests volition include:
  • Dale Gerding, MD, Professor of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine; Research Physician, Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital
  • Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Healthcare Quality, Scottish Government
  • Alan Whippy, MD, Medical Director of Quality together with Patient Safety, Permanente Medical Group, Northern California
  • Don Goldmann, MD, Chief Medical together with Scientific Officer, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
What was your reaction when yous heard the word that Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infected far to a greater extent than people inward 2011 than outset reported past times the USA Centers for Disease Control together with Prevention (CDC)? Writing inward the New England Journal of Medicine at the destination of February, the CDC updated its ain prior calculations to written report that the burden of infection inward 2011 was 80% higher than previously stated. In full an estimated 453,000 people were afflicted amongst C. diff inward 2011; C. diff was a constituent inward roughly 29,000 deaths.

Our reaction hither at IHI was, amid other things, to schedule a WIHI together with to impact downwards amongst roughly people who tin laissez passer on the sack assistance us brand feel of the numbers together with the wellness aid together with community settings contributing to them. And, to a greater extent than importantly, to cheque inward on where progress is beingness made to cut instances of C. diff together with where much to a greater extent than aggressive move needs to hold out done. While in that place are indications that hospital-onset C. diff is declining inward the US, no 1 is satisfied amongst the measuring of change.

So, delight bring together us for the April ix WIHI: All Hands on Deck to Reduce C. difficile. WIHI host Madge Kaplan has assembled a venture panel, starting amongst Dale Gerding, who volition walk us through the latest epidemiological enquiry on C. diff: proven reduction strategies, ongoing challenges amongst antibiotic stewardship, together with where tendency lines are moving inward the correct direction. Jason Leitch is going to laissez passer on us the persuasion from the UK, together with Scotland inward particular, where concerted interventions cause got led to an 82% reject inward cases of C. diff inward hospitals amid people over 65. And Alan Whippy volition tell us near of import move at Kaiser Permanente, where pregnant progress has been made, too, and adherence to best practices is crucial together with thus problems can’t creep dorsum in. And, IHI’s Don Goldmann volition assistance us appreciate why it’s of import to remain focused on acute-care settings, fifty-fifty every bit nosotros grow to appreciate the value of prevention together with detection of c. diff across the continuum of aid together with the community.

Please bring together us on April 9You tin laissez passer on the sack enroll for the broadcast here. We'd also appreciate it if yous would spread the discussion near the demo via Twitter.

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