Those Piffling One-Sided Intelligence Releases Pack A Big Wallop.

Trudy Lieberman offers an entry inward the serial at on "systematic criteria-driven reviews of wellness attention intelligence releases."  She notes:

This fourth dimension it’s the long arm of a surgical robot that a healthcare seller hoped would brand news. “Midtown Surgery Center Announces First-Ever Use of Robotics During a Total Extra-Peritoneal Hernia Procedure,” the intelligence unloose said informing us that its “Groundbreaking Use of Robotics Could Change the Face of Inguinal Hernia Repair.” It was that one-time press unloose fob I wrote nearly a couplet weeks ago—shout to the the world you’re the first, together with patients volition flock to the door.

While she quotes me, the pertinent quotes are from doctor Bruce Ramshaw, a Florida hernia surgeon who is the immediate by president of Americas Hernia Society:

Is it amend for patients?  That’s the big enquiry intelligence releases don’t answer. But Ramshaw says the existent questions are what’s the value to the patient, together with where does the robot convey value inward the context of each patient attention physical care for together with for each local environment. “The robot is groovy technology. It’s cool,” he says. But he notes that similar all drugs, devices, together with screening tests, robotic surgical physical care for systems convey value inward unopen to situations, motility harms inward others, together with may endure wasteful inward nonetheless others. “Unless nosotros stair out the value to patients, nosotros won’t know the actual value of the tool,” he concludes. The province is a long means from measurement the value of such medical interventions. Instead intelligence releases together with seller marketing prowess substitute for existent data nearly whether a patient should undergo this physical care for or others that convey express or no objective evidence nearly whether they add together value together with for whom.

And she concludes:

These kinds of press releases are unopen to other shape of direct-to-consumer advertising, which does induce demand—demand for oft unproven applied scientific discipline that threatens to overwhelm the the U.S.A. wellness system. Such applied scientific discipline may i solar daytime endure useful together with terms effective, only for directly it adds mightily to the country’s healthcare tab. Those trivial one-sided intelligence releases pack a big wallop.

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