Art Inward Giving

The Rachel Molly Markoff Foundation is a pocket-size organization, created inward retentivity of a immature daughter who died from encephalon cancer, dedicated to funding research inward pediatric cancers in addition to helping families instruct by amongst childhood cancer..  The foundation has engaged inward an innovative agency to enhance money, called Art inward Giving.

It's a unproblematic concept.  If you lot are, say, the developer of a novel purpose building, hospital, inquiry laboratory, or university, you lot probable bring a budget to purchase fine art to decorate the walls in addition to hallways.  Instead of buying your fine art through regular channels, you lot run into amongst 1 of the volunteer curators who move amongst Art inward Giving, in addition to they assistance you lot uncovering fine art from their catalog.  The artists bring agreed to donate one-half of the toll of the paintings or sculpture to the Markoff Foundation.

Here's a iii infinitesimal video that describes it all.

Please contact the foundation if you lot bring a novel or older edifice or purpose or laboratory that mightiness desire to hold upwards a player inward this worthwhile program.

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