Where Yous Stand Upwards . . .

In i of the to a greater extent than interesting demonstrations of "where y'all stand upwardly depends on where y'all sit," delight Federal Reserve annotation the co-author of this good done Perspective article inwards the NEJM, "The Good Merger." The cardinal quote:

A “good” merger or affiliation is i that increases the value of wellness attention past times reducing costs, improving outcomes, or both, thereby enabling providers to generate as well as response to competition. The all-too-common option is a merger intended to cut back contest — to ensure referral streams (which would otherwise live on earned through superior offerings) or to aid providers negotiate higher prices as well as thereby avoid the hard operate of improving outcomes as well as efficiency.
The co-author, Thomas H. Lee, straightaway the chief medical officeholder of Press Ganey, was previously CEO of Partners Community Healthcare, Inc., as well as Network President for Partners Healthcare System.

The article advocates for everything Partners is not.

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