Negotiating At Telluride

The master copy focus of the Telluride Patient Safety Camp is to rear the mightiness of doctors in addition to nurses to select close lasting modify inward the wellness help organization to do safer in addition to higher lineament care.  A large part of the curriculum is centered on the number of improved communications inward clinical settings.  Several years ago, organizer Dave Mayer asked me to acquaint a module on negotiation, in addition to I select done hence at each session since then.

Obviously, inward the brusk fourth dimension allocated, I can't offering a total course of report on the theory in addition to practise of negotiation, but nosotros are able to encompass some telephone substitution topics in addition to give the students a run a peril to practise them.  Here are some of the comments they posted afterwards close the experience:

Our minute session focused on negotiation skills in addition to applying negotiation to clinical practice. This exercise was hence fun! It required work solving, critical thinking, planning, reflection, teamwork in addition to open-mindedness to compass the best possible resultant of the deal. These are the same skills required past times all members of the healthcare squad to accomplish adept patient outcomes. Patient Safety is close harnessing the inventiveness of the human members of the healthcare squad to come upwards up alongside solutions for the patients inward their care. (Alexandra)

Throughout medical school, I select enjoyed in addition to actively participated inward counseling patients close lifestyle changes, medication compliance, preventative help in addition to other hard issues. By implementing strategies of assessing readiness for modify in addition to instituting minor changes, I had done a fairly adept project inward engaging patients to instill positive changes inward their lives. Today,  I realized was that what I had been doing was negotiating alongside my patients. Negotiations are non easy, in addition to I for certain autumn brusk when negotiations involve finances, every bit I am less skilled inward navigating this globe than I am inward the medical field. But I realized that these are vital skills that tin live translated clinically.

Paul Levy taught us today that nosotros demand to larn past times the positions in addition to mean value close the underlying interests. This presents an interesting in addition to effectual agency for us to negotiate alongside our patients in addition to to do value for them. We must ever recollect that every patient has a unique motivation in addition to the alone agency to uncover these motivations in addition to piece of work them for the do goodness of the patient is to larn to know them every bit individuals in addition to non but every bit “patients.” I select a long agency to become alongside my skills every bit an effective negotiator, but I am grateful to select realized what an of import science this genuinely is in addition to volition hold to practise until I larn it right. (Ani)

Clarifying in addition to agreement what was behind respective positions, trying to resolve both sides of the money simultaneously where our in addition to their interests became interlocked, nosotros were able to piece of work inward a much to a greater extent than positive surround where differences did non displace us apart but rather served every bit a telephone substitution origin of value inward negotiation. (Daewoong)

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