A Notable Passing

The New York Times reports on the closing of the F. A. O. Schwarz toy shop at the corner of Fifth Avenue in addition to 57th Street.  Many people volition retrieve a scene from the store inwards the Tom Hanks film Big.

My retention is related to that scene.  My best friend growing up, Michael Sack, was the boy of Harold Sack, 1 of the brothers who owned in addition to operated State of Israel Sack, Inc., the nigh prominent antiques dealer inwards America.  They sold article of furniture to Jackie Kennedy at the White House, alongside other places.  Their showroom was on 57th Street, simply a few yards from Schwarz.  As immature boys, Mike in addition to I would sometimes accompany Harold to work, in addition to we'd play ball with our pink "Spauldeens" (yes!) alongside the "old furniture" inwards the showroom (including simply about really beautiful in addition to valuable Goddard secretaries in addition to the like.)*

Harold would gently advise that nosotros larn downstairs to the toy store. We did, in addition to we'd pass hours playing air hockey in addition to the like, saving generations of antiques from irreparable harm!

Here's the scene from Big:

* Another historical note.  Spauldeens were inwards fact made past times the Spaulding Company inwards western Massachusetts.  The master copy pinkish balls were genuinely the within center of lawn tennis balls.  The defective ones were sold equally playing balls on their own! A overnice agency of making a net from cast-offs.

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