Bullying, A Multi-Legged Problem

Notwithstanding Bill Bryson's characterization of this "sunburned country" every bit a house inwards which in that location are dozens of ways to hold upward killed past times local fauna*, the run a hazard of genuinely dying from a spider bite, serpent bite, or inwards other such trend is quite small.  For example, the huntsman inwards a higher house looks pretty ferocious, particularly given his 4" (10 cm) span, precisely he won't kill you.

In contrast, though, Commonwealth of Australia shares the unenviable condition of other developed countries (US, UK, together with the like) inwards the fact that beingness a patient inwards a infirmary is a pregnant risk.  I discussed the province of affairs inwards 1 Victoria infirmary inwards a previous weblog post.  There, a number of babies died of a final result of preventable medical errors.

In the curt fourth dimension I've been inwards the country, I've heard several people ready forth 1 aspect of the problem, the existence of inappropriate levels of bullying together with intimidation past times senior members of the medical staff.  Such demeanour tin article inwards The Age, reporter Neelima Choahan summarized a day-long summit held past times the Australian Medical Association on the topic.

Now comes the interrogation of what to do close it.  Shortly later the article, the AMA issued a position statement on the issue.  The organization's president said:

“Workplace bullying together with harassment creates an dangerous together with ineffectual run together with learning surroundings due to the continued erosion of confidence, skills together with initiative, together with tin do a negative mental attitude towards a chosen career.

“The medical profession must possess got straightaway responsibleness for its culture, reputation, together with criterion of professionalism. 

“We require comprehensive policy, practices, together with instruction to foster a condom together with good for you lot run together with preparation environment, together with nosotros must hold appropriate standards of patient care.

“Employers together with instruction providers must run closely together to develop a potent reply to alter the civilisation inwards workplaces."

This is a start, precisely this is a tough work that has been inwards existence for decades. Let's promise that the Australian medical profession does indeed "take straightaway responsibility" for improvement inwards this arena; precisely in that location are of import roles for other constituents every bit well.  In particular, in that location is a nascent patient advocacy induce occurring inwards this country. With focus together with direction, those engaged patients together with families tin supply respectful together with helpful input close the cultural surroundings inwards which they are beingness treated. There is no advert of this resources inwards the AMA'a seat disceptation or inwards the president's comments on the issue.  It would behoove the AMA to bring together forces alongside such individuals together with groups to aid brand the disceptation of seat a reality throughout the country.


"It has to a greater extent than things that volition kill you lot than anywhere else. Of the world's 10 most poisonous snakes, all are Australian. Five of its creatures - the funnel spider web spider, box jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, paralysis tick, together with stonefish - are the most lethal of their type inwards the world."

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