Wihi On Identifying Patients Amongst Complex Needs

Madge Kaplan writes:

The adjacent WIHI broadcast — When Everyone Knows Your Name: Identifying Patients amongst Complex Needs — volition stimulate got house on Thursday, Jan 29, from 2 to iii PM ET, together with I promise you'll melody in.

Our guests volition include:
  • Catherine Craig, MPA, MSW, Independent Consultant; Faculty, Better Health together with Lower Costs for Patients amongst Complex Needs, IHI
  • Matt Stiefel, MPA, MS, Senior Director, Center for Population Health Care Management Institute, Kaiser Permanente
  • Eleni Carr, MBA, MSW, Senior Director of Care Integration, Cambridge Health Alliance
  • Kathy Weiner, MHSA, Regional Executive Director, Medicare, Kaiser Permanente
A relatively small-scale per centum of the United States of America of America population accounts for the largest percentage of wellness aid costs. Everyone knows who we're talking about, right? Well, non exactly. Broad assumptions (e.g., high utilizers of the emergency department) together with sweeping generalizations oftentimes substitute for to a greater extent than robust inquiries together with analysis designed to amend pinpoint a infirmary or clinic's patients amongst unmanaged, complex wellness problems. And, without this specificity, it's difficult to know who volition produce goodness most from additional supports together with interventions.

This is amidst the reasons why an IHI Collaborative involving some 45 wellness aid organizations has been focusing similar a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation this past times twelvemonth on developing reliable ways to set patients amongst complex needs. It's difficult simply necessary work, together with we're going to explore what it entails on the Jan. 29 WIHI: When Everyone Knows Your Name: Identifying Patients amongst Complex Needs.

We’ve pulled together a terrific panel for the program. Catherine Craig volition ready some context together with background for adopting to a greater extent than sophisticated methods to set patients amongst complex issues together with needs. The Cambridge Health Alliance’s Eleni Carr volition walk us through the tools together with systems her security cyberspace organisation is directly using to enroll patients inwards a complex aid management program. Matt Stiefel together with Kathy Weiner from Kaiser Permanente (KP) stimulate got been difficult at run developing together with refining tools to farther segment populations amongst complex needs which, inwards turn, leads to amend predictive models. This helps KP programme for the services together with costs necessary to come across patient needs.
The January 29 WIHI volition live on followed past times some other inwards 2015 focused on novel aid designs together with amend outcomes for patients amongst complex needs. We await forrad to your comments together with participation!

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