The Approximate Saw Through The Lie

In a Boston Globe story, here's how Priyanka Dayal McCluskey reports on how the outgoing CEO of Partners Healthcare System described the bargain that was turned downwardly today yesteryear Suffolk Superior Court Judge Janet L. Sanders:

“The gauge has said ‘no’ to an understanding that nosotros believe would stimulate got paved a pathway to delivering high-quality aid closer to domicile for patients together with their families inwards a lower damage community-based setting."

Well, no.  First of all, at that spot was no take away for PHS to commence these hospitals to hit proper aid administration for patients.  All it takes is an understanding to coordinate aid together with part access to medical records.

Second, hospitals that would hold upward incorporated into the PHS organisation would gradually assume the pricing advantages of this near-monopoly supplier together with would non hold upward lower damage community hospitals (compared to other community hospitals.)

Third, the understanding would stimulate got permitted PHS to recruit doctors inwards the vicinity of these hospitals, moving them from lower damage systems to the higher physician rates of pay enjoyed yesteryear the PHS doctors.

Attorney General Healey had it simply correct when she said that the proposed understanding was a instance of the cart leading the horse. As many of us had noted, the commitments to lower costs contained therein were unsupportable together with unenforceable. Instead, implicitly edifice on the findings of the province Health Policy Commission, she suggested:

“One of the greatest challenges our province faces is ascent wellness aid costs,” Healey said. “I’d similar to meet how [Partners’] move inwards the marketplace is helping to contain costs.”

(By the way, should this instance e'er reopen, it would hold upward skillful to meet how an unfettered the United States of America Department of Justice would behave. Their seat inwards this instance was strange, compared to their other activities inwards the country.  One must assume that it was based on the Administration's wishing to aid a beau Democrat inwards her gubernatorial campaign.)

In instance yous are interested, here's the total ruling yesteryear the judge. It is worth reading, at a minimum, the outset few pages.

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