In Appreciation: Margaret Hamburg

(New York Times photo)
One of the toughest jobs inwards the authorities is that of FDA Commissioner.  Why?  Because of the whipsaw of populace view as well as the pleasance that Congresspeople accept inwards berating the agency.  In short, the ongoing electrical load is that you lot receive got acted besides fast to approve a drug or other production that as well as then hurts people; or that you lot receive got waited besides long to permit a "life-saving" drug to run across the marketplace.

Some FDA Commissioners receive got tried to purpose the means every moment a nifty pulpit for their personal ideology.  That is a recipe for failure, every moment it makes all your other regulatory decisions suspect.

In contrast, MD Margaret Hamburg simply tried to exercise a adept project as well as construct a squad of professional person people who were devoted to the populace good.  To an extent non e'er seen inwards the agency, their watchword was to trust the scientific discipline as well as brand judgments based on the best evidence.

Not all volition concord amongst every determination they made, but that is the nature of such things.  That she led the means amongst integrity is beyond dispute.  As citizens, nosotros owe her a debt of gratitude as she leaves.

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