Where Did This Coin Come Upward From?

Here's some news from the fiscal markets:

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Feb. 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (ISRG), the manufacture leader inward robotic-assisted surgery, today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized the Company to repurchase upwards to $1.0 billion of the Company's outstanding mutual stock.

"We buy the farm along to role our cash to invest inward our draw of piece of occupation organisation past times advancing our technology, growing our presence exterior of the USA together with driving adoption of robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery," said Marshall Mohr, Chief Financial Officer, Intuitive Surgical.  "We likewise try to furnish excess cash to our shareholders, together with this authorisation gives us the flexibility to deed given the correct opportunity."

How much "excess cash" mightiness the companionship have?  Well, this fiscal analysis from Bloomburg suggests that they are loaded, asset most $2.5 billion inward cash every bit of the final quarter (top right-hand figure).

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