Change Solar Daytime Inwards Oz

A lovely regime notation from Oz, from my buddy Mary Freer.  I'm happy to part worldwide together with thus people tin forcefulness out bring together inward straight or vicariously--and maybe part it further:

I wanted to part amongst yous the gorgeous picayune celluloid that nosotros bring only made for Change Day Australia. Here's the link.

It's four minutes of wonderful inspiration. If yous are encouraged yesteryear it yous powerfulness similar to part it amongst your colleagues.

Change Day inward Commonwealth of Australia is growing together with providing this incredible platform for wellness together with social attention professionals to pose forwards the best version of themselves.

We are making Change Day function through sheer conclusion together with passion. We crowd-funded to heighten the coin to brand this picayune film, together with nosotros are real much inward bespeak of unopen to funding to enable us to grow Change Day to the side yesteryear side level. More here.

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