Not Ambulance Chasers, Jitney Chasers!

Remember this story close an out-of-town autobus that crashed into a too-low dyad underpass inwards Boston?

Well, inwards the category of a even that takes on its ain life, the Bucks County Courier Times reports:

Eleven Bucks County residents seriously injured when the charter autobus they were riding on striking an overpass inwards Boston almost ii years agone lead maintain filed a to a greater extent than than $15 1000000 civil arrange alleging the GPS improperly routed the autobus driver onto the height-restricted road.

“Faulty directions past times GPS systems lead maintain resulted inwards numerous dyad collisions throughout the USA The systems create non lead maintain into trace organisation human relationship the summit of the vehicle beingness used or render warnings concerning summit restrictions on affected roadways,” the police theatre said inwards a press release.

The police theatre clearly doesn't desire to run out anyone out:  

Also named equally defendants inwards the case are Calvary Coach Bus Company too its possessor Raymond Talmadge, Prevost Car Inc., Volvo Group North America, too the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation too Recreation.

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