A Stance From Rajasthan

I'll travel reporting shortly on some observations from the Jaipur Literature Festival held this past times calendar week inwards Rajasthan, India.  The festival was created past times writer William Dalrymple (seen hither during the opening session) several years ago.  He jokes that fourteen people attended the outset year, many of whom were a grouping of Japanese tourists who had lost their agency in addition to walked into the venue inwards error!  Now, thousands attend in addition to require heed presentations from in addition to mingle with many of the leading authors from Asia in addition to roughly the world.  The number is a non-stop 5 twenty-four hours affair, with parallel sessions from 10am to 6pm every day.  The major occupation yous confront every bit an attendee is choosing with them.

But for a humorous introduction to the local culture, though, here's a scene from nearby Jodhpur.  The erstwhile metropolis is a rabbit warren of narrow curving streets, occupied past times a cacophony of horn-beeping rickshaws in addition to motorbikes.  Every similar a shot in addition to and then gridlock ensues.  Here's a brusk video to seat yous a taste.  Note, inwards particular, the arrival of a pedestrian who offers "helpful" advice to 1 of the rickshaw drivers.  And then, note, too, the humorous credence of the province of affairs past times a bevy of motorbikers.

If I had to utilize 2 words to life inwards India, 1 would travel "acceptance," every bit seen here.  The other would travel "scrapping," every bit millions of people hook their agency to survival and, with luck, success.

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