Not In Addition To Therefore Precise

Michael Millenson is unusually prescient almost wellness aid matters, frequently anticipating yesteryear years issues that leave of absence major populace policy concerns.  In a evidence for cost-effectiveness.

Michael uses the representative of 3 dissimilar thorax cancer tests meant to create upwardly one's hear whether a for certain type of thorax cancer volition recur, inwards the promise of helping to avoid the physical, emotional, as well as fiscal costs of unneeded chemotherapy.

An analysis yesteryear BiomarkerBase industrial plant life that simply 12 of the 125 biological targets used yesteryear these competing tests are shared, as well as no 1 factor is used yesteryear all three. More importantly, results of the 3 – Genomic Health’s Oncotype DX, Agendia’s Mammaprint as well as Prosigna from nanoString Technologies ­– frequently disagree.

As an article inwards the magazine Tumor Biology lay it, these assays
differ inwards the technological platforms used for assessment of factor expression, inwards the number of genes as well as inwards the specific genes that are existence tested, inwards the patient populations used for their evolution as well as validation, as well as inwards their clinical utility.
Pay item attending to “validation” as well as “clinical utility;” i.e., prove the tests assistance patients. Breast cancer is a deadly serious problem, accounting for betwixt a quarter as well as a 3rd of all cancer cases, as well as it is the second-leading motion of cancer-related deaths. But similar other cancers, it’s likewise complex, amongst the prognosis depending upon the mix of molecular subtypes as well as other patient-specific factors.

Precision, anyone?

Michael concludes:

Americans beloved the glittering prospects of novel technology, as well as Congressional Republicans were quick to restrain onto the president’s biotech bandwagon. However, a to a greater extent than accurate description of introduce reality comes at the terminate of a White House blog ballyhooing stories of how “precision medicine is already working to cure Americans.” It reads: “We’ve exclusively begun to tap into [the] potential for precision medicine to amend aid as well as arrive at novel treatments.”

One mightiness telephone phone that the precise truth.

This whole number becomes to a greater extent than relevant every bit wellness insurance as well as Medicare get-go to pay for these kinds of tests to a greater extent than as well as more.

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