Care Sentiment Enables Patient Driven Care

I dearest the sense of innovation that pervades much of Australian wellness care.  I justice when you lot are surrounded yesteryear "the largest moat inwards the world," you lot pass a lot of fourth dimension thinking most how to brand things ameliorate for your homeland.

I cry upwards that many of the "innovations" inwards patient security together with lineament that nosotros adopted at my onetime infirmary were inwards fact shamelessly stolen from first-class run that had been done yesteryear people inwards Oz.  So it came every bit no surprise to me to acquire of this examine at patient together with household unit of measurement engagement.  It's called Care Opinion.

My readers know that I'm an advocate for patient driven (not but patient centered) care, together with Care Opinion meets my criterion because people tin terminate engage inwards it easily, inwards existent time, together with inwards hence doing, croak their message to the correct people, who tin terminate together with then respond.

It self-describes as:

An independent site most your experiences of attention together with back upwards services, practiced or bad. We move yesteryear your stories to the correct people to brand a difference.

The site promises:
  • Care Opinion gives you lot a world vocalism to portion your experience most the services you lot use.
  • Care Opinion volition e'er examine to brand certain that the correct people volition hear your story.
  • Sharing your stories most wellness together with attention services on Care Opinion tin terminate help brand services better.
  • Care Opinion is safe, confidential together with independent of services together with authorities.
  • Reading the stories that other people portion on Care Opinion may help you lot direct the best attention providers.
  • Care Opinion industrial plant across wellness services, too every bit attention together with support. Whether your storey is most attention or wellness or both, nosotros issue it together with deliver it to the correct people locally, whether they run inwards attention or health.
It is transparent most how effective it is:

Plus, it's interesting to croak an overall sense of how people are feeling:

Check out the site, together with consider what you lot think.  Is this what you've been waiting for inwards your jurisdiction, wellness system, or other wellness attention service organization?

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