Hand Washing Should Locomote Optional

I couldn't brand this up, from the Washington Post:

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), at the destination of an appearance Mon at the Bipartisan Policy Center, volunteered a even out close “his bias when it comes to regulatory reform.”

Tillis said he was at a Starbucks inward 2010 talking to a adult woman close regulations too where businesses should endure allowed to opt out. His java companion challenged him, bespeak whether employees at that topographic point should endure required to launder their hands.

“As a thing of fact I intend this is 1 where I intend I tin forcefulness out illustrate the point,” he recalled telling her. “I don’t cause got whatever occupation alongside Starbucks if they pick out to opt out of this policy equally long equally they postal service a sign that says nosotros don’t require our employees to launder their hands afterward leaving the restroom. The marketplace pose volition accept attention of that. It’s 1 example.”

Here's the video version.

I intend nosotros should extend this to hospitals, nursing homes, too the like.  After all, the marketplace pose volition accept attention of that, too.  A few extra cases of c. diff too people volition function to the competition.


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