You Can't Rest Ahead Of These Errors.

Remember the even out almost my physician friend's elderly mother, the 1 who was suffering from falls because she was over-medicated for blood pressure level issues? Once the doses were reduced, she did fine: "She has to a greater extent than stamina than e'er before. She is happy."

Well, here's the side yesteryear side chapter:

So Mom is dorsum inwards her master copy assisted living place, walking amongst a walker, to everyone's surprise. However, the medical errors are next her.

When she was beingness discharged, the rehab see sat me downward in addition to gave me a discharge summary in addition to medication list, maxim they had been faxed to the master copy nursing home. We went over in addition to discussed every medication.

9 pm the nighttime she went back, my telephone rings; it's the nursing component of the master copy identify maxim they convey her on Tramadol simply the chemist's shop says at that topographic point is an allergy. I said, "What?" You see, Tramadol was non on her medication list. They said, "It wasn't on the listing YOU gave us simply it IS on the listing that was faxed to us." So, I said, "There are 2 lists out there!" I said, "Take her off it," in addition to hung up.

Today, 2 WEEKS later, the nurse practitioner calls in addition to starts discussing clonidine, a BP medicine she was on. I said, "What?" You see, again, that wasn't on her medication list.  She said, "Oh, simply the rehab see started her on that in addition to I desire to discontinue it." I told her at that topographic point were at to the lowest degree 2 medication lists out at that topographic point simply she wasn't interested. So I said, "Fine, d/c the clonidine."

So . . . she's been on 2 BP drugs instead of 1 for 2 weeks, which was the master copy argue she was falling in addition to therefore much!
I'm arrive at to plough over up. You can't remain ahead of these errors.

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