Why, Governor Baker?

I've worked for a lot of governors too take away maintain known a lot of governors, too I take away maintain ever appreciated their demand to residuum what they mightiness desire to say nigh an upshot amongst the political realities of their job.  But the best of our leaders are the ones who ascent higher upwards the exigencies of local politics too create produce to display a sense of commitment to human needs too values during periods of political stress--and inward so doing remind us that pity is ofttimes the best antidote for fearfulness too unrest.

So it was amongst a tremendous sense of loss that I heard of Governor Charlie Baker's comments nigh Syrian refugees. Loss equally inward a lost chance to convey people together rather than existence divisive. And lost admiration on my piece of work equally the Governor stooped to a degree that I could never take away maintain imagined coming from his mouth.

According to the Boston Globe, here's what he said:

In the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks inward Paris, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has joined a grouping of nearly 2 dozen American governors who announced Mon they would non allow whatsoever Syrian refugees to motility to their states.

“I would say no equally of correct now,” Baker told reporters at the State House Monday. “No, I’m non interested inward accepting refugees from Syria.”

“My persuasion on this is the security too security of the people of the Commonwealth of Mass. is my highest priority,” he added. “So I would gear upwards the bar really high on this.”

“I recollect at this indicate inward fourth dimension we’d take away maintain to hold upwards really cautious nigh accepting folks without knowing a lot to a greater extent than nigh what the federal government’s innovation looks similar too how it’s going to hold upwards genuinely implemented too executed,” he said.

"As a full general rule, I don’t like, completely without whatsoever noesis at all, to precisely say yeah or no to anything. I mean, I’m a information guy I ever take away maintain been too ever volition be,” he said.

He also said, “I’m ever going to hold upwards willing to at to the lowest degree listen what the federal authorities has to say.” But he added, “Hearing what they take away maintain to say does non hateful maxim yes.”

Mr. Baker is smart plenty to know that, equally Governor, he has no jurisdiction on such matters. Immigration policy is alone inward the hands of the U.S. government.

So, is he making his remarks to endeavor to influence federal policy or but to grandstand on the issue?

But what would it hateful to halt the current of refugees from a province that is literally existence destroyed earlier our eyes?  I lately met 1 such refugee.  She too her hubby too infant man child lived inward Damascus.  Their dwelling occupation solid was taken over past times the rebels.  It was so bombed past times the Government.  They were homeless too were left amongst no possessions.  They managed to escape through Lebanese Republic too thence to the US, where she is straightaway enrolled inward a graduate plan at 1 of the state's smashing universities. Their local religious community has welcomed them amongst opened upwards arms too has helped them suit to their novel lives. The menage unit of measurement is eternally grateful to the U.S. too people hither for giving them a gamble to alive a normal too productive too peaceful life.

Taking the Governor at his word, this menage unit of measurement would take away maintain been stopped at the border.

Is he genuinely so insensitive too uncaring nigh people inward distress that he agency what he says?  Or, does he non genuinely hateful what he says but precisely feels it expedient to say it? I'm non certain which is worse.

I forget correct now, but it was either historian Theodore H. White or Arthur M. Schlesinger who, inward summarizing his years of studying American history, said, "Never underestimate the style of the U.S. populace to locomote xenophobic." True leaders recognize that danger too piece of work against irrational fearfulness of foreigners: They produce non receive it past times dipping into the mire of anger too fear.

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