An Error Nearly Mistakes

There are few neurologists I admire to a greater extent than than Martin Samuels, primary of service at Brigham together with Women's Hospital inwards Boston.  So it genuinely pains me to run across him engaging inwards a convoluted approach to the number of mistakes.  Read the whole matter together with thus come upwardly dorsum together with run across what yous intend most the excerpts I've chosen:

The electrical flow medical civilization is obsessed amongst perfect replication together with avoidance of error. This stemmed from the 1999 alarmist written report of the National Academy of Medicine, entitled “To Err is Human,” inwards which the absurd determination was propagated that to a greater extent than patients died from medical errors than from pectus cancer, oculus illness together with stroke combined; straight off updated past times The National Academy of Medicine’s (formerly the IOM) novel white newspaper on the epidemic of diagnostic error.

No, the obsession, if at that spot is an obsession, is non most perfect replication together with avoidance of error.  The focus is on determining the causes of preventable impairment together with applying the scientific method to pattern experiments to obviate the causes.  The conception is, to the extent practicable, implement strategies to assistance avoid such harm.

[T]here is really no convincing bear witness that studying these mistakes together with using diverse contrivances to focus on them, reduces their frequency whatsoever.

Yes, at that spot is convincing bear witness (from Peter Pronovost's operate on key draw of piece of employment protocols, for example) that the frequency of errors that Pb to preventable impairment tin laissez passer the sack hold upwardly dramatically, together with sustainably, reduced.

For example, at that spot is absolutely no argue to believe that a comprehensive medical tape volition cut back the frequency of cognitive errors, whereas it is evident that efforts to populate this type of tape tin laissez passer the sack take the doctor’s focus from the patient together with house it on the device.  

Well, here's i house nosotros agree! EHRs powerfulness really growth the peril of cognitive errors. But why would yous choice that i example, Martin?

We all seek to avoid errors but none of us volition succeed. This is fortunate every bit errors are the alone route to progress. Focusing on the evil of errors takes our attending away from the existent enemy, which is illness. We should relax together with relish the fact that nosotros are lucky plenty to hold upwardly doctors. 

There are errors that Pb to progress together with at that spot are errors that Pb to decease together with other harm. The flaw inwards Martin's article is non thus much what he says, every bit the extrapolation he makes from what he says.  A friend sent me a complaint summarizing the instance nicely:

While I grip that we’ll in all likelihood never attain nada errors inwards healthcare for a number of valid reasons, at that spot is ample bear witness that a systematic approach based on the scientific method tin laissez passer the sack significantly cut back impairment to patients.  Yet, at that spot is no reference to the nifty operate done past times thus many of his colleagues, e.g., Peter Pronovost, Lucian Leape, Donald Berwick, John Toussaint, Robert Wachter together with Gary Kaplan, simply to mention a few.  Nor is at that spot whatever empathy toward the patient together with the comport upon of avoidable impairment on his or her life

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