Measuring . . . Nothing

At his speak at Harvard last week, the Aga Khan reflected on the dry reason of things inward the footing as well as spent a 2nd on the role of technology.  He noted 1 adverse result:

The to a greater extent than nosotros communicate, the harder it tin laissez passer the axe sometimes live to evaluate what nosotros are saying. More information oftentimes way less context as well as to a greater extent than confusion. 

We were treated to a prime number event of this during Sabbatum night's fence amid the Democratic candidates for president.  As nosotros watched the debate, nosotros were presented amongst a visual hodgepodge.  The candidates were inward the middle of the screen.  To the correct was a semblance of a Twitter feed, showing real-time reactions to the fence from . . . .  Wait, from whom?  Who knows.  The chosen tweets were the ones about CBS functionary had decided were noteworthy plenty to part amongst the millions of people viewing the debate.  Who were these chosen gods as well as goddesses of political observation, the ones whose 140-character notes were deemed thoughtful, entertaining, or controversial plenty to warrant national exposure? Why were their opinions relevant, helpful, or of import inward whatsoever way?  How did their comments aid us equally citizens ambit our ain conclusions most the effectiveness of the candidates?

As if that weren't enough, CBS presented the next nautical chart lead underneath the debating candidates:

When nosotros regard all of the possible metrics most the political world, could nosotros come upwards up amongst something less meaningful that the "relative publish of tweets per infinitesimal most iii candidates during a debate?" What possible probative value most anything does such a metric offer? Simple answer: Not a damn thing.

A superb reporter, Carey Beth Goldberg, inward a banking concern notation to me, said:  "This is one to a greater extent than event of how the might to mensurate something online doesn't hateful you lot should."

She as well as thus said:

"There was a actually skillful slice on On The Media most how simply mensuration clicks is misguided too  -- based on a storey most spooning (?!?)"

That article is worth a click! 

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