A Gift From Monique

As nosotros approach the Thanksgiving vacation hither inward the US, I'm reminded that it is almost the anniversary of Monique Doyle Spencer's death.   Here's a repeat of a post from 2013.  I only institute a few to a greater extent than copies of the book.  If you'd similar one, free, only exit a comment amongst your sum get upwards together with snail post service address.

When Monique Doyle Spencer wrote The Courage Muscle, A Chicken's Guide to Living amongst Breast Cancer, she couldn't honor a publisher willing to stimulate got the majority on.  It was funny, y'all see, together with all the publishers idea it was inappropriate to stimulate got a funny majority nearly cancer.  She showed me a draft, together with I said that our infirmary would reveal the book, together with nosotros did.  Since then, it has brought good-humored promise together with advice to patients together with families only about the world.  As i reviewer said:  "It should acquire a textbook for the medical professions together with a guidebook for all who must confront, or back upwards those who do, pectus cancer. It is a beautiful book, beautifully written, that sweetly balances gravitas, zaniness together with i person's truth. The author's humanity is inward full, accessible display for all to see, part together with larn from."

Monique died on Thanksgiving weekend inward 2011, together with along amongst our fond memories of her, the majority remains.  I endure on to stimulate got several dozen copies, every bit does her married adult man Michael.  We stimulate got decided to offering them at no terms to the readers of this blog.  First come, kickoff served, until nosotros run out.  Just submit a comment amongst your get upwards together with snail post service address, together with nosotros volition ship i off to y'all inward a few days.

To whet your appetite, hither is a story nearly Monique's humor.  It occurred a few months earlier inward 2011.  Michael tells it:

Bobby McFerrin gave a marvelous concert, showing his phonation every bit an instrument, to a packed menage at Symphony Hall.  Afterwards he came to the front end of the phase together with sat, legs dangling, to reply questions. After a bit, Monique plunged in, without existence acknowledged, together with asked nearly whether he was asked to create "Don't Worry Be Happy."  I could experience the audience cringe.  McFerrin gracefully answered the inquiry together with said he does non perform the vocal together with was lamentable to disappoint.  Monique shot back, "I did non state I liked it."  The audience broke out laughing together with McFerrin savage to the flooring together with seat downward on the stage, doing the same.

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