The Vestigial Newspaper

It isn't oftentimes that I accept someone's comment on a storey in addition to purpose it equally the ticker of a post, only individual named Greg Lee nailed it in addition to summarized what I've been watching, too.  The context is this latest story close layoffs in addition to buy-outs at the Boston Globe.  Like Mr. Lee, I read the comments of the editor in addition to said, "Nice try."  Here's what Mr. Lee said:

I sympathize the fiscal realities that campaign the recent moves past times the Boston Globe. It is now, however, a lesser paper than it was, earlier this electrical current process. 

What was touted to subscribers equally redesign in addition to layout changes, has genuinely been evidence of a irksome retreat inwards journalism, at the Globe. The layout changes characteristic bigger type sections, to a greater extent than graphics in addition to white space, in addition to much less word coverage in addition to op-ed pieces. 

It's depressing, equally a life-long subscriber of over 45 years, to run across this electrical current refuse inwards the Boston Globe. The novel bottom describe is less word coverage in addition to less in-depth journalism, inwards the daily edition. Economic reality dictates these changes. I sympathize that point. But delight don't telephone phone procedure an improvement or a novel nascency of possibility. Call it what it is, which is slow, strategic retreat.

How much to a greater extent than in addition to then when nosotros sentinel the paper's possessor invest inwards a novel on-line "vertical" called STAT.  Here's the promo:

People at the Globe get got told me that twoscore people get got been recruited for this venture.  That's a hefty annual budget.  Time volition nation whether STAT rises to the degree of the other large producers inwards the wellness assist word arena--Pro Publica, Kaiser Health News, in addition to the New York Times.  Time volition tell, too, whether--even alongside corking reporting in addition to presentation--STAT volition succeed equally a job organisation venture.

But I supply to Mr. Lee's comment.  For several years, the administration has shed equally much equally possible inwards costs in addition to journalistic assets, hoping that plenty remained to expect in addition to experience similar the Globe.  Now, it must move hard to sit down inwards the shrinking Globe newsroom piece millions of dollars are allocated to a novel enterprise.  The investment inwards STAT is the strongest indication that the paper is directly a vestigial organ inwards the minds of the owners.

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